How to choose the best child car seat
It is now the law that children must use a child car seat until they are 12 years old, or are 135cm tall.
There's a problem, but we're fixing it
It is now the law that children must use a child car seat until they are 12 years old, or are 135cm tall.
It really is that simple; drive when impaired by drink or drugs and you could kill someone.
Passing a driving test is only the first step towards learning to drive safely.
Statistics may tell us that motorways are the safest roads in the UK but when collisions happen, they are likely to result in deaths.
It’s a good idea to walk around your vehicle and check all the lights are working before you set off at night.
Can you see around blind corners? Thought not, so adjust your speed and stopping distance accordingly.
When a car breaks down and is stationary in the middle of the road, it’s a natural instinct for drivers to want to get out and push it towards the kerb.
Putting a seatbelt on is one of the first things we do when we get in a car.
To find out how well a car withstands a collision and protects adults and children inside, look up its crash test rating at EuroNCAP.com.
Not being able to stop in time is the biggest cause of death on Britain’s roads.
Tiredness is responsible for 20 per cent of the accidents on Britain’s roads.
Your tyres are your car's point of contact with the road so it is vital they are in good order.