Broken down? Make sure you're safe.
If you’ve broken down on a motorway or a Smart motorway, your safety is the most important thing.
Please read our guide on what to do if you’ve broken down on the motorway.
Take more training
If you don’t feel confident driving on the motorway, it’s a good idea to take additional training. There are plenty of independent companies with qualified driving instructors that will help put you at ease.
Plan ahead
Make sure you know the route you’re intending to take, where you currently are on the motorway and how soon you’ll need to turn off. Some satellite navigation systems don’t give much warning for the junction they want you to exit at.
Obey speed limits
Speed limits are in place for your safety and the safety of other road users, so stick to them. It will mean you’re less likely to be involved in an accident, and keeps fuel bills lower too.
Slow down in bad weather
In bad weather, drivers frequently don’t adjust their speed to suit the conditions and visibility. The Highway Code says stopping distances can double in the wet. Drive according to the conditions, leave extra margin for error and increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front. Remember to switch on lights or fog lights if appropriate.
The two-second rule
Ensure that there is at least a gap of two seconds between you and the car in front. You can work this out simply by counting the time it takes to pass a roadside marker (such as a lamp post) after the leading car has passed it. Leave at least four seconds in bad weather.
Keep to the left lane
Unless overtaking, keep to the left.
Take a break
Every two hours, take a break for at least 15 minutes.
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