Check your lights before driving
It’s a good idea to walk around your vehicle and check all the lights are working before you set off at night. And lights aren’t just for using at night; they should be used at dusk, dawn, in bad weather and on a gloomy day.
Use dipped beam
In urban areas make sure you use dipped beam. Use full beam on other roads at night but ‘dip, don't dazzle’ when there is someone in front or coming towards you. If you are being dazzled, slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.
Slow down when moving from a lit to an unlit road
It takes time for your eyes to adjust to the conditions. At night it is harder to spot hazards and it is harder for others to spot you.
Go more carefully
Drive at a speed that enables you to stop within the distance you can see.
Look out
Keep your eyes open for pedestrians, cyclists and motorbike riders, particularly those who are not wearing bright clothing or do not have lights. In town environments, take extra care when driving past pubs, cinemas, theatres and clubs at closing time.
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